General Roads & Weather FAQ

Common Questions and Answers:

What should I do to prepare for snow and ice in Laurel Valley?
Monitor the weather forecasts. Let your vehicle warm up and equip your vehicle with a winter weather kit.

What do I do if my car slides off the road?

Contact a wrecker service to have it removed. Laurel Valley roads are narrow, and many are steep - leaving your vehicle on the road may impede snow removal or other emergency vehicle access and puts it at risk of being struck by another vehicle. Abandoned vehicles are also subject to towing.

What can I do to help?
The LVPOA Board routinely receives over 50 calls or e-mails every time there is a snow event and we attempt to reply to all but that takes time away from activities that will result in roads being cleared faster. Being aware of the weather forecast, making personal preparations and then being patient while the roads are cleared are the most helpful things you can do.